Rosalie Bourne 2018 Grant Report


On Saturday July 7th members of the Conspirito Community Flute Ensemble had the opportunity to participate in one of two workshops on concepts from the MDH Breathing Coordination method presented by Michaele Archer, a well know vocal coach and Soprano who has recently qualified in this area after extensive study overseas.  The workshop has a focus on understanding and working towards their optimal breathing capacity and reducing tension in breathing.

The workshop covered a number of areas including: The anatomy of breathing, Preparing the body to breathe for playing a wind instrument, reducing tension, posture/breath support and onset of tone.

Participants learnt a simple body work routine that can be repeated on a regular basis. These simple exercises are very gentle and are designed to free the areas associated with breathing i.e. leg, shoulders, neck and rib cage. This then moved on to exploring the appropriate posture and balance of resistance with the ribcage during exhalation/playing.

Feedback from participants was excellent with many reporting improved tone and the ability to feel comfortable with breathing naturally rather than having tension associated with breathing. A couple of participant comments are included below.

“Such a great workshop today! I learnt so much anyway and I’m fascinated by the way the diaphragm actually works! Who knew it was so big!?!”

“Thank you so much for an amazing workshop! Blew my little flutey mind. I'm so grateful to have been able to attend as, after suffering spinal damage, I've found breathing extra challenging. Can't wait to try it all out!”

The Conspirito Community Flute ensemble would like to express their sincere thanks to the NSW flute society and sponsors for the award of this grant.  Funds were used to pay for the workshop presenter.  Additional funds raised from ticket sales were provided to the Central Coast Conservatorium of music in order to secure the use of their hall for the workshops.